This picture Stacy posted. Is that you? Yeah, it was a rager. Dude, that was crazy. So happy mom and dad are out of town. Oh my god, me too. Can you imagine the nagging right now? This house is a mess.
You know, we could throw another one tonight. Yeah, you wanna throw another party tonight? Honestly, I think it's a good idea. I think it is too.
You're the best step bro ever. Maybe we should go take dad's car out for a spin. You think? Yeah, that's fast. Okay, okay, I can get down with that. You haven't put any in yet? No, I haven't. No? That's crazy.
Did you order food? No. Did you? No. Then who's that? Your guess is as good as mine. Come on, let's go check.
Very lovely house. You weren't told we were having company today. Oh, I see. Your parents didn't say anything? No, not at all. What a pity. Let's take a better look at this house, shall we?